Clearly the best live action adventure movie out this year so far. I predict it will be the movie of 2009 along with Up.

Yes, I still say this with Transformers II looming a couple of weeks away.
I have serious doubts that I will hear gray hairs at a restaurant synching up their schedules to see Transformers II three weeks after the movie was released. That's right. I am a witness to this. Everywhere I went I heard people talking about seeing Star Trek long after the initial release. That speaks volumes.
It had all the elements of a Great story which was retold.
1. Complex Characters
2. Multi Character Arc
3. Well Conceived Story
4. Respected Original Characters
5. Outstanding Film Score
6. Excellent Direction
JJ Abrams from Lost and Alias fame was an outstanding choice to herald in the revision of this iconic story. The writers, Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, I just want to kiss. I get tired of bouncing out of the escape from silly holes in the script.

Honoring the past. The original cast of Star Trek, many believe the best, can rest well knowing their legacy is preserved.
Star Trek TOS cast then (1966) and now (2009)
Confession: I saw it 3 times in this economy. Do I need to say more?

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