Friday, June 12, 2009

The Future of Personal Space Flight is here.

"Roads are soo last year..."

The Moller Skycar is coming. Yes, it's real and it is in production. It is a personal VTOL aircraft. Meaning, it can vertically take-off and land. It will transport 4-6 people. I was ready for this 10 years ago.

Current Stats: The skycar travels at 350 miles per hour and gets better gas mileage than most SUVs — 21 miles per gallon. Since it runs on alcohol, which is a cleaner fuel than gasoline, it's also safer for the environment than the Hummer.

If GM, Ford, and Chrysler were building these 10 years ago, do you think they would be in such dire straits now?

The first units are expected to sell over $1,000,000. That's too stiff for 99% of the population. Yet, we know this manufacturer wants us. However, as production dramatically increases, the price tag will drop to a luxury car price $60,000 - $100,000. Now, that makes this car a realistic pin-up.

Just think of the Personal Computer market. The big computer mainframe industries didn't believe there was a market for PCs - called them toy computers. Right IBM? Look at the PC market today. Thriving. And at the fraction of the cost it was 10 years ago.

Skycar is all 21st Century.

The Skycar is a thing of beauty and a thing of the future we've been waiting for.

It's wonderful when you can see the future clearly in front of you.

Want to learn more about the Skycar? Visit

Let's canvas President Obama to support this green technology!

Tell the Obama Administration "The Skycar rocks."

If enough of us ping them, they'll check it out.

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