I wish I could tell you I found Red Wolf. I did not. My husband did. We were at the San Jose Tapestry and Talent festival circa 2005. I became entralled with some artist's work, which meant I took up resident at the booth trying to select 'my' art. He instantly became fatigued with the process (as he always does) and motored on to admire other works of passion.
It was then that his feet landed in the extra large, open air Red Wolf booth. He was gone so long that I actually completed my art acquisition unharassed and started my trek to find him. I ran upon him several yards into the beginning of my trail. I will never forget how positively animated he was about finding Red Wolf. "You must see Red Wolf. He is incredible," he asserted.
On the way to Wolf's booth, I learned that the majority of my husband's absence was spent at that booth. Also, he spent 20 minutes talking to Red Wolf and his wife, Gazelle. My husband is NOT a social mixer. Now, I was thoroughly intrigued. This man stayed in one place and talked to somone he didn't know for over 20 minutes. Yes, I needed to see this art.
Side story note: My husband has an attention span of a gnat. Readily making this point, he only went to a 3-4 booths before he saw Red Wolf but forgot where Red Wolf's was. Therefore, we walked the entire festival in search of Red Wolf. The entire walk I only heard him discuss how outrageous and extraordinary Red Wolf's art is and was pestered into speedily leaving booths that didn't measure up. Translation - I wasn't allowed to stop at any booths until he found Red Wolf's again.
Back on track: When we arrived at Wolf's booth, I was sufficiently overcome with awe. My husband and I struck a deal that Red Wolf was definitely an artist to buy. His work made our short list. I had to set aside a piece of art I wanted. It took us a few years to save up for his art, but we did it. We are proud owners of his work. Every person that comes through our house says "WOW" when they see Red's art in our living room.
One day I may write about "The day we bought Red Wolf art." It's worth a post.
None of these pics do his work justice. Yet, you need to see something other than my chatter.

Opinion and Summary
In my humble estimation, Red Wolf is the finest unknown American contemporary artist. He deserves to eclipse artists like mega-machine "painter of light" Thomas Kinkade and exalted newcomer Michael Flohr.
I am not a snobby, uptight, and arrogant art critic, buyer, or curator. I, admittedly, am a salt of the earth Jane Doe geek that has an extraordinary eye for design and a love affair with art. I have been in it and around it for over 20 years.
There is no artist doing what Red Wolf does. He paints on metal. This is an oversimplification of his art. His art is anything but simple. Wolf somehow achieves a 3-D effect. Yes, 3-D!
Red Wolf was finally accepted to participate at the crème de la crème American art festival, Sausalito Art Festival, in 2008 and 2009. Artists all over the world attempt to jury into this festival. Few are chosen.
Wolf had been rejected for many years until the chairman of the Sausalito Art Festival saw him at another festival. That's the thing with Red Wolf's art. Pictures do not do it justice. You must see it.
If you know anything about festivals, you know most of them are free. Sausalito charges a $20 per person entry fee. So, that tells you something about this venue. This show is for the serious art purveyor and connoisseur.
If you want to see or learn more, visit Red Wolf's site here.
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