Grand Entry

Your home's face has an enormous visual impact. That's why all real estate professionals and landscape designers talk about "curb appeal".
Whether we want to subscribe to the value of having curb appeal or not, the bottom line is this - good curb appeal gets a lot more feet in the door to look at your home.
Whether you are selling your house or not, it's just cool to have a facade that expresses your personal style.
One key aspect of your home's face is the front door. While the above doors are uber-grand, even a modest door can be made special. Think of it like this. Your home's facade is like the coat you wear. Your coat can be chic, hip, funky, elegant, or raggedy. Same with your door.
Here are some doors I found to inspire.
Art Nouveau

Arched (Cottage Style)

I saw this door on a trip home visiting a friend in a most conservative town. I harped so much about this door that I made everyone in the car suffer while I retraced our journey so I could take this pic. Too bad the owners kept a big boat in the front yard!
Eclectic Extreme
Modern (Sleek)

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