There are many avid Airstreamers out in the universe. You can read all the bloggers that talk about owning or refubishing their 1970s era Airstream. Read all about 70% of Airstreams that have EVER been built since the 1960s are still on the road. That's not this post.
This post is about how hot Airstreams are.
We quasi got into the RV scene through a friend. His whole family RVs and that is roughing it to them. Our roughing it - tenting. The price is fantastic. The storage is a breeze.
However, there is something to be said about not getting up in the middle of the night, searching for a flashlight, having the hawk slap your face and then your ass as you exit your tent to plod up to the public restroom.
We went to the RV Show yesterday (Saturday, January 23rd). Once again, what rang true before, rang true once more. Nothing compares to Airstream (and their cost). We've attended RV Shows for 4 years now. We've seen many new models and advances in RV trailers.
Yet, every time we strolled over to the Airstream section, we got that buzz all over again.
Consistently this happens.
The design, aerodynamic shape, construction, material, and finish are superior to every trailer out their.
By the way, KOA is striking agreements with Airstream to use trailers instead of those shacks called cabins. We rented an Airstream at the Circus Circus KOA in Las Vegas. We LOVED it. LOVED it. LOVED it.
This baby goes on our future investment list.
Note: Remember, an RV with a bathroom is a tax write-off. ;-) It is considered a second home.

I believe Airstream should have a new slogan, "Airstream = Excellence."
Cool, huh?
Of course, their slogan is sweet. "Adventure inspired by Airstream."
Visit their site here.
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